Air Trail Tees Barrage: UK’s biggest Sky Trail®

Air Trail, the 4 story Sky Trail® Explorer is set to open on the banks of the River Tees in the Stockton district of North East England on Saturday, February 13. This new attraction is UK’s biggest Sky Trail® and features 2 Sky Rails™, a Sky Tykes® ropes course for kids and a climbing wall.  It is estimated Air Trail Tees Barrage will generate a projected surplus of at least £100,000 per year while also significantly increasing visitor numbers to Stockton borough. Visit Air Trail’s website for more information.

Read the full Gazette Live article, “Air Trail Tees Barrage: Opening date revealed for £1m high ropes course in Stockton” here.

Check out additional photos and videos of Air Trail Tees Barrage from Gazette Live here. (Updated Feb 9, 2016)

View the Air Trail Tees Barrage installation time lapsed video from Gazette Live here. (Updated Feb 9, 2016)