Outdoor ropes course above mini-golf course
Two courses can enjoy the same general footprint if you install a Sky Trail® ropes course above your mini-golf course! The standard clearance for a RCI ropes course is approximately nine feet, from ground to first-level support beam. This clearance allows our customers to install at Sky Trail® course above existing attraction and helps them maximize their facility’s space or property footprint.
Full-family attraction
Just as mini-golf caters to people of all ages and skill levels, so do our adventure courses. One of the goals of RCI is to build attractions that the full family can enjoy. We’re not just after the adrenaline seekers of the world. Our courses are designed for guests to enjoy a self-guided adventure. Once on course, guests can move in multiple directions thanks to our innovative overhead tracking system. On this self-paced journey, they have the option of a variety of obstacles varying in difficultly level.
Full offering of attractions
More and more mini-golf course businesses are tapping into additional attractions such as go-karts, climbing walls, arcades and VR spaces. Not only are those attractions increasing revenue, but also keeping guests on property longer, helping boost secondary sales for items like food and beverage. The benefit of a RCI ropes course is that it requires minimal staff support. Once harnessed and securely on course, minimal staff interaction is required, as guests can more freely on a self-guided adventure.
RCI Adventure Products manufacturers durable courses made for either indoor or outdoor use. We support our courses and customers with an aftermarket team, inspectors and operator training.
Outdoor climbing structure
The Delta Structure is a popular outdoor climbing attraction that can support seven climbers at a time. The structure utilizes an autobelay system, connecting guests to the climbing tower with the same harness used on the Sky Trail® course. Guests can move from one attraction to the other.