Introducing kids to the world of climbing
Kids climb.
Almost as soon as they can crawl or walk, they want to climb. At first, they climb up your furniture. Your bed, the back of the couch, a bookcase or the cabinets in the kitchen. Whatever they find to climb, they climb. Sometimes it’s you, the parent. Getting up into your arms is their Everest.
Much to a parent’s disapproval, their kids graduate from climbing furniture to climbing higher structures like trees or buildings. The phrase “how did you get up there?” has been spoken by most parents at one time or another.
Almost as inherent as the ability to breathe is a kid’s ability to climb. They’re drawn to it. A kid looks at the world and sees things to climb, whether it be a hill, a pole, construction equipment, an animal, a fence. Whatever. Their inner voice simply whispers, “I’m going to climb that.”
As parents, we desire to keep our kids safe so we often discourage them from climbing. We fear the phrase, “Timmy, get down from the power line pole.” But there’s a second and better options. Rather than discourage them from climbing, we have the opportunity to redirect their climbing energy.
Welcome to Clip ‘n Climb climbing walls
I can already hear it, “but I don’t know the first thing about climbing.” Most of us don’t. Where to go, what to wear, what equipment we need, how to stay safe … these are all the questions that become obstacles that prevent us from entering the world of climbing.
Let’s make it simple. Find an indoor climbing gym and let them take care of the rest. Better yet, find an indoor climbing gym with Clip ‘n Climb climbing walls! Clip ‘n Climb makes the world of climbing accessible across a wide age range and skill level. Even you, the parent, can safely and easily participate in climbing with your kids thanks to these unique and fun wall designs.
Clip ‘n Climb designs dozens of different climbing activities, from single walls to large structures. Each wall has its own theme and difficulty rating. A climbing gym with Clip ‘n Climb walls will likely have a good mix, from easy to difficult. Many of the climbing walls designs allow for easy handholds and conveniently located foot supports, allowing the climber to navigate the wall with relative ease. Aliens, Big Cheese and Amazing are three wall designs that novice climbers tend to enjoy.
But not all walls are created equal! Clip ‘n Climb has walls to challenge climbers including Detonator, Dry Ice and Triffid. These walls take time and patience as handholds are less contoured and footholds are further apart. These walls may require multiple attempts as the climber tries to find just the right route to follow.
One of the most popular walls is Speed Climb and gyms typically have two of these walls side-by-side, allowing climbers to race friends and the clock. A button on the base of the wall will start and timer. A second button at the top of the wall will stop the timer. Climbers can test their skills against the rest!
Clip ‘n Climb safety features
For most people, whether you’re looking to start climbing yourself or get your family into the activity, safety is your first concern. So let’s talk about Clip ‘n Climb safety features.
First, RCI Adventure Products requires the use of our five-point harness, which is comfortably fitted to each participant with adjustable setting on the back, legs and hips. This is the same harness utilized on our ropes courses.
Second, when a participant approaches a wall, a staff member will attach the TRUBLUE autobelay to the harness. TRUBLUE is the most tested and trusted climbing wall safety equipment solution. Once connected, if the climber lets go of the wall, the TRUBLUE autobelay will slowly, smoothly lower them to the ground. Each wall has a dedicated autobelay and only a staff member is able to connect it.
For many climbers, their favorite part of the activity is getting to the top of the wall, letting go and letting the autobelay lower them.
Side-by-side climbing walls
Parents love Clip ‘n Climb walls because they’re safe and fun climbing activity. Kids love Clip ‘n Climb climbing walls because of the fun themed walls and wide range of difficulty levels. Owners of climbing gyms love Clip ‘n Climb because of their safety record, themes, skill level range and footprint.
One standard Clip ‘n Climb wall is approximately 6 feet wide, so gyms can place the walls relatively side-by-side, providing climbers with multiple climbing options. One staff member is able to safely monitor and support multiple walls at one time.
The height of the climbing walls is also adjustable depending on ceiling heights. Each Clip ‘n Climb walls can be between 20-32 feet high (4-foot increments).